
Gestionnaire d’Adhérents en Ligne Extrêmement Tarabiscoté mais Tellement Efficace

Galette is a membership management web application towards non profit organizations.
This is before all a free software (as in free speech), community and free (as in beer)!

Galette works on any web server that handle PHP (see prerequisites). If you need, we propose several ways to contact us :)
Everyone willing to participate is very welcome ;-)

  • Members management
  • Manage cotisations and transactions
  • Manage groups and their managers
  • Import and Export (open formats)
  • Improved accessibility (use and follow web standards)
  • Configure lists and forms
  • Add dynamic fields to members, contributions and transactions forms
  • Multilingual
  • Plugins support
  • ...
Editing an adherent
  • Simple and advanced search
  • Calculate fees due dates
  • Members mailings
  • Edit labels (for postal mail)
  • Member card with photo (facultative)
  • Each member can edit his informations
  • Multi criteria diplay filters
  • Usage history
  • Works with MariaDB or PostgreSQL
  • ...
Galette dashboard
Translation status

Galette Professional Services

I’ve created a small enterprise to propose some “professional services”, around Galette among others (all requests will be considered) :-)

What I propose:

  • Galette instances hosting (restricted number),
  • install Galette on your hosting,
  • developments on Galette core, plugins, or new plugins,
  • software troubleshooting,

Some may ask what that will change for Galette project…
Answer is simple: absolutely nothing.

Sponsored features will be integrated once finalized, but Galette will stay a free (as in free beer) and open source project. I will continue to work on the project like I did for years.

I’ve set up a dedicated website as well as dedicated ways for contact:

If you have projects or questions, feel free to contact me :-)

See you soon!

Galette new release (1.1.3)!

This release fixes only a database update issue.

Since this is a major issue already reported by several users, I preferred to release a brand new version quickly.

Download Galette 1.1.3

A bugfixes version for Events plugin also has been released!

Happy Galette!

Galette new release (1.1.2)!

A very big thank to everyone involved in this release :)

This is a minor release, providing several bugfixes:

  • Now entirely translated into Italian language!
  • Do not display links to public documents page if public pages are not enabled
  • Fix info message display on new release
  • Fix typehint issues on dynamic fields
  • Check for possible null from DB converted to int
  • Fix member search on contribution type
  • Contributions types and payments types were no longer selected when displaying search parameters
  • Fix SQL issue searching on dynamic booleans fields with PostgreSQL
  • Fix return types on parameted exports

See Galette 1.1.2 changelog for all details.

Download Galette 1.1.2

Hope you will enjoy this release; happy Galette!

Galette new release (1.1.1)!

A very big thank to everyone involved in this release :)

This is a minor release, providing several bugfixes:

  • Cannot sort transactions on payment type column
  • Self subscriptions cannot be stored
  • Error on sorting sent mailings
  • Error filtering members on status
  • Cannot replay a saved search
  • Cannot list saved search with “show identifiers” parameters set to false

See Galette 1.1.1 changelog for all details.

Download Galette 1.1.1

Hope you will enjoy this release; happy Galette!

Galette 1.1.0

I’m very, very happy to announce the release of new major Galette 1.1.0 release!

The new 1.1.0 release fix some issues, but also brings some new features and improvements:

  • Add amounts on contributions types
  • Check if new Galette version is available
  • Manage administrative documents
  • Dispatch contribution into scheduled payments
  • Prevent instance indexation from search engines bots
  • Add payment type on transactions

Database schema has changed since 1.0 series, do not forget to backup your database before upgrading!

See Galette 1.1.0 changelog for all details.

All plugins needs to be updated as well, see plugins documentation ;-)

Download Galette 1.1.0

Hope you will enjoy this release; happy Galette!
